The Hospitality and Tourism Industry was one of the hardest hit during the pandemic, but it’s set for a strong revival with an increase in job opportunities.

It may take some time for the sector to regain momentum as travel gradually returns to normality, however the calm before the storm is the perfect time to prepare for the next chapter in your career.

Now is the time to study, upskill and get qualified so you can progress down your career path in hospitality and tourism. Take a look at some of the opportunities that could benefit you.

Hospitality & Tourism Qualifications 

Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery – SIT40516

Advance your culinary career with a Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery – SIT40516 through Brisbane Business & Hospitality Training (RTO: 31983), Frontier Training and Technology (RTO: 21244) or College Australia (RTO: 31222). This nationally recognised qualification certifies the skills of a commercial cook who works both autonomously and as a guide to others, displaying promising leadership qualities in the kitchen.

Career opportunities include Chef, Chef de Partie, Head Chef and Sous Chef.

Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism – SIT40116

Take your tourism career to the next level with a Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism – SIT40116 through Brisbane Business & Hospitality, Training (RTO: 31983) or One Step Further (RTO: 31215). This qualification is suitable for individuals who have experience in the travel and tourism sector, ranging from tour wholesalers to travel agencies, tour operators, cultural or heritage sites, attractions and other small tour companies.

If you’re passionate about connecting with clients, consulting about travel and marketing destinations; this qualification could lead you down a number of promising career pathways. Opportunities include Tourism Marketing Coordinator, Senior Retail Consultant, Reservations sales and Product Marketing Coordinator.

There are a number of other qualifications suitable for workers in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry. Review the full list to find the certification that reflects your skills and experience.

Tips to strengthen your career path 

Upskilling in a recovering industry can feel challenging, however it’s incredibly worthwhile if you’re hoping to build a future in the field. If there’s one thing we’ve learnt amidst the highs and lows of the last two years, it’s that resilience is key in all aspects of our personal and professional lives. You can become a valued and resilient member of the workforce by diversifying your skillset, searching for roles that adapted well during the pandemic or by looking for opportunities with domestic hospitality and tourism businesses. You can read more about how to build your hospitality career in a recovering industry here.

It’s time to adopt a positive mindset when it comes to tourism in Australia and prepare yourself for a promising career ahead. Get ready to bounce back into the workforce stronger and more qualified than ever before.

Did you know you can achieve a formal qualification without having to dedicate time and money towards lengthy coursework? If you can demonstrate that you have prior learning relevant to the qualification you are seeking, you could be eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). An RPL assessment takes into account the skills and knowledge you’ve already gained in the hospitality and tourism industry. If you’d like to learn more or you’re interested in getting your qualification, talk to the Skills Certified team today.