Landing your first job always seems to be the biggest hassle in life. Even after you settle in, one of the most difficult feats is climbing the ladder of career development successfully. But why does it prove to be so difficult for many of us? Well, the main reason lies with our laxity towards life once we get a stable job. We actually become comfortable in our positions; which in the process hinders our ability to develop. As the saying goes,

the best things in life aren’t free.

Hence, to achieve a more rewarding career path, here are five steps you should implement at the workplace to boost your growth and development.

Value leadership and respect your seniors

To be the cream of the crop in your field, one of the first things you should do is value and respect senior authoritarian figures at the office. For a company to function smoothly, senior figures should be able to pass important tasks and functions to their subordinates that are momentous to the optimal functionality of the company. Through smart work, persistence and a willingness to be mentored by a senior member, it won’t be long before you get into the good books with them and get an opportunity for that promotion you were eyeing.

Show that you are accountable

Whenever your employer, manager, or supervisor calls you for a given project, show them that you are reliable by undertaking to it with perfection. Gaining the confidence and trust of a senior figure is a key factor to being a step closer to achieving your set milestone in your career path. Furthermore, having the knowledge and experience to fill in the shoes of your supervisor in the case they are on leave gives you the rare and treasured quality of leadership, which is vital in ensuring that a company or business runs smoothly.

Strive for success

Whenever you pitch an idea, regardless of whether it is at the boardroom in front of the CEO or at the office with your fellow workmates, always be vocal and confident about what you offer. Nine out of ten times, your employers will see your self-belief as a key selling point to promoting you. Believing in yourself while having a great work ethic; and the world will be at your feet. Lastly, developing your career for more lucrative gains is important in helping you achieve your goals and desires in your respective field. Hence, always remember to work smart wherever you are, and to put as much focus into developing your career as you would to something you love.