How do you jump through the hoops and tick all the boxes?

We’ve listed our top tips for writing a resume that will get you hired. Employers and industries have different standards, so it’s important to research first, however these tips will assist in building the foundation for a solid CV.

Keep it simple and concise

A good rule of thumb is to aim to keep your resume to one page (or two at the most!).

Can you paint the same picture in fewer words? Or can you use a smart design or layout that permits you to fit more information on the page without it looking too crammed?

Always remember that white space is your friend. Ensure your resume is readable, try to keep the font size between 10 and 12, and include headers where needed.

Keep it relevant and recent

It can be tempting to list every second of experience you’ve gained in the last decade, but we recommend removing any experience that was either short-lived or is irrelevant to the employer.

Select the positions, experience and qualifications that are significant and will appeal most to the hiring manager.

Put the most important info above the fold

This means putting the most important information at the top, before the reader has to scroll. This is essentially your first impression, so be sure to list your most recent and most outstanding experience first.

Quantify your accomplishments

Wow the hiring manager by including any figures or numbers that resulted from your hard work.

For example, you can transform this point – Improved quoting process by upgrading scheduling software.

To this – Upgraded scheduling software to improve time management, which created a process that allowed the company to quote 30% more clients annually, resulting in $100,000 profit increase.

Don’t forget informal experience

It can be beneficial to include more than just your paid work experience. If you’ve participated in volunteer work, worked as a contractor or had relevant life experiences; include these in your resume as they may help you stand out above other applicants.

Include your LinkedIn profile URL

If you read our article on building your LinkedIn profile, you’ll know how important it is for your career. Update your profile and include all your relevant skills and experience, then add the URL to your contact info.


Don’t let grammatical errors or spelling mistakes overshadow your impressive skills and experience! Once completed, proofread your resume- more than once! A fresh set of eyes is always beneficial, so ask a family member or friend to review for you as well.

Send it as a PDF

Save and send your resume as a PDF rather than a doc, as this will keep your formatting consistent and help to maintain professionalism. Include your full name in the file name to make life easier for the hiring manager.

Update your resume regularly

Our final tip is to update your resume regularly. This also means making tweaks and tailoring your resume content to suit every employer you apply for a position with.

Considering a formal qualification to make your experience shine on your resume? Get your skills and experience certified through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Find out how RPL can help you make a career change and speak with our team today to see if you’re eligible.