If you’re yearning for a change in your career but not sure where to go, it can help to evaluate what options are open to you right now. If you don’t have a dream job in mind, why not work backwards from the skills you already have? There are many industries that are full of people who pursued the relevant qualification through a recognition of prior learning course. To help you start developing a clearer idea of your next career step, we’ve rounded up jobs that are highly accessible via recognition of prior learning.

Management & human resources

If you’ve worked in a corporate environment and been seconded to human resources, payroll or any similar department, you may have the requisite skills to apply for a Certificate IV in Human Resources. This nationally-recognised qualification can really open doors for you at every level in a broad range of industries from finance to marketing, and any corporate environment where someone who understands how people work and how to motivate them. It’s also an extremely valuable qualification for anyone looking to advance to a management position within their organisation or industry. A Certificate IV in Human Resources is not only proof of the ability to look after people but the willingness to pursue the required education to do it better.

Workplace instructors & assessors

Always in demand, a qualification in workplace instruction or assessment allows you to conduct training and assessment on behalf of registered training organisations and to provide consultancy services relating to vocational training. If you’re one of the tens of thousands of current or former Australian Defence Force personnel, you may be surprised what you can parlay your military career into. If you’ve completed Subject One for Corporal, you are already a qualified workplace instructor. If you’ve previously advanced far enough to complete Subject One for Sergeant, you are a qualified workplace assessor. Together they are jointly recognised as a TAE qualification, which is a sought after certification across a number of industries.

Information technology

Everyone’s got a bit of tech knowledge these days, but if you’ve had to go above and beyond to succeed in your previous line of work, you’ll be surprised what you might be eligible for. teach yourself skills in order to provide technical support for a small-to-medium business or have done something as mundane as develop your own database or build your own website, you might be able to get a Diploma or Advanced Diploma in Information Technology. These are fantastic, versatile and highly sought-after qualifications with the potential to take you to IT project management, software development, networking, web development or database building. If you’re interested in finding out where your current knowledge could take you, get in touch with the RPL experts at Skills Certified.