We’ve outlined the general process you can expect here at Skills Certified Australia when using Recognition of Prior Learning to achieve certification. It’s important to remember that these are the standard steps, but the process and service will be a little different for each person, depending on your circumstances. Read on to find out more.

Have a free consultation with a trained SCA consultant

Once you’ve made contact with SCA by either submitting a skills check or contacting our team, you’ll receive a free, no obligation RPL skills check over the phone with one of our consultants. The consultant will discuss the process with you in relation to your unique situation and goals to assess your suitability.

Things they will discuss at a high level may include:

– Is certification a visa related requirement?
– What experience, qualificationsand skills you have now?
– Do you know exactly what certificate you need to complete, or do you have a general career goal in mind?
– The approximate costs of your relevant certificates and RPL process

You’ll be matched with the right qualification from a partner RTO

If you’resuitable for RPL and want to continue the process, you’ll be assigned a SCA facilitator who will support you. Each certification has a different curriculum of units that you would normally study and be assessed on.

Instead of studying these units like normal, with RPL you use your existing skills, experience and knowledge to prove your competency. Your facilitator will go through the units with you and discuss what type of information and evidence you can use for each unit.

Collect your evidence with support from your facilitator

Each qualification is different and the type of evidence you need to provide will largely depend on your industry.

Evidence can include:

  • Photos of your work
  • Videos of your work
  • Reports
  • Past certificates or training
  • Providing answers to specific questions regarding your skills and experience
  • Completing a practical skills test or task
  • Your resume
  • Employment references
  • Past job descriptions

You’ll need to be able to show you have worked in your relevant industry/job for an appropriate amount of time and have the relevant skills and knowledge to achieve the equivalent of a ‘pass’ for your units of competency within a qualification. Our facilitators are on hand at all times to answer your questions and guide you on the types of evidence you can use.

Your facilitator will help you submit your evidence to the RTO

Once all of your evidence has been collected your dedicated facilitator will help you submit the portfolio of evidence to the relevant partner RTO. An assessor from the RTO will then assess your evidence against the units of competency. If you need to provide more information they will get in contact and help you through that process.

At this stage there are two outcomes:

1. You will be assessed as competent and will receive your nationally recognised certification (YAY!)

2. You may have areas that are assessed as needing improvement. In this case you will receive more information about how and what you can do to improve in these areas. In some cases the RTO can support you in finding additional training or support to address these areas. You can then continue the process until you satisfy all units or be issued a statement of attainment for the units of competency you are competent in.

And that’s it, you’re qualified! All certificates achieved through our partner RTO’s are nationally recognised and can be used in each State and Territory in Australia.

Want to start the process? Contact our team or take the free skills assessment today.