It’s always amazing to get your first job or your first promotion. As human beings, we get so over-excited about our success that we overlook other aspects of our newfound job such as our salary. It is always important to come to a solid agreement between you and your employer before getting down to work. Besides, no one wants to be paid peanuts right? Before signing that contract for a new job and salary, here are a few things you should consider first.

Know your Worth

With the presence of the internet, millions of people are able to make smart decisions when it comes to negotiating their salaries. By simply Googling your field, you can now determine the most reasonable salary for your given geological location. Knowing your worth is also important so that you don’t easily get underpaid. So do a little research of your own before applying for a job or accepting that promotion.

Always pick the Top Numbers

From your research, it can be clear that there is a certain top range of salaries that an employer will willingly pay because of your high level of experience. Therefore, make sure you request a high figure amount that is within the range of lucrative salaries that you gathered from your research. In fact, high salary requests tend to psychologically portray a truly experienced professional to the recruiter.

Have an exact idea of the salary figure

During the interview, ensure that you do not leave the room without letting your employer know the exact figure of how much you want to earn. The exact figure helps you draw out important aspects such as opening a saving’s account and superannuation.

Show them that it will be simple for you to walk away. 

Once you have landed your first interview, always make sure you show a little disinterest towards the job, just to give the employer a heads up that if the offer is too low for your expertise, you can easily walk away without looking back and they will be the ones regretting. However, don’t show them that you don’t care, as it might be taken for rudeness and you will definitely lose points. Since you’ve now known the secrets to successfully discuss your salary, don’t sell yourself short the next time you attend an interview. Focus on the earnings that you want to gain and command it without necessarily raising your voice. Your personality will command it for you.