The transition from the Australian Defence Force to the civilian workforce might seem farfetched to some who have served, but it is in fact very achievable. Even if an original intention was to base a career off of the military, the wide range of skills that are developed while serving in the military, air force and navy can be officially recognised through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

How does Recognition of Prior Learning help those in Australian defence forces?

RPL involves a comprehensive assessment process that determines how the experience, knowledge and skills developed through your practical learning in the defence force can be applied to a range of qualifications. By matching your experience to a qualification, you’ll be able to continue developing skills you already have in a brand new and exciting environment. RPL is a useful way of circumnavigating the needless re-learning of skills you might already be familiar with. This saves both time, money and energy and can help you get back into the workforce much quicker than if you had to instead pursue study at TAFE.

What kind of qualifications can I achieve through RPL?

Because experience for those in the Australian Defence Force can vary widely, options for qualifications obtained through RPL are diverse. Potential avenues for qualifications can include management, human resources, government, security, risk management, occupational health and safety, and much more – available options can obviously cover a huge variety of interests. Even if you’re unsure as to how your experience can be applied to a certain qualification, allow Skills Certified to guide you in the right direction. We want to ensure the entire process is simple as possible for you, every step of the way.

Ready to get qualified?

If you’ve served in the Australian Defence Force and are wanting to transition into a field of work that is relevant to your experience, Recognition of Prior Learning is the way to go. Pursuing RPL with the help of Skills Certified is a great way to improve your prospects gaining employment outside of the Australian Defence Force, so make sure to get in touch with our friendly team today to find out more. Skills Certified also offer a free 60 second skill check to get you on track for your recognition as fast as possible – after demonstrating your experience and providing your evidence, you’ll be well on the way to achieving the qualification you deserve!