We understand that some industries are struggling more than others, and that a variety of jobs may never re-emerge in the market, but that is no reason to not be proactive.

Change happens, sometimes without want and without reason, but right now you have every opportunity to harness this change and prepare yourself for your future. Let’s explore how you can make the most of your career downtime.

Keeping Learning and Upskilling

If you are to move closer to reaching your professional goals and get back into the industry you are passionate about, you need to be across your skillset and fill in any gaps you may have. Now is the time to start a new online course and upskill to match the requirements of future employers.

Whether you have a significant skillset or were learning a new role and are now suddenly unemployed, it’s important to make a commitment to yourself to never stop evolving. You need to be continuously moving forward and keeping up with the crowd and then making yourself stand out from it. Doing so will not only enhance your resume or LinkedIn profile, but your ability to perform well in job interviews and in the actual role itself.

Focus on Self-Awareness

Having strong interpersonal skills is one of the keys to being a strong leader and worker, and even between jobs is an extremely important quality to have. While you apply for jobs or wait for your industry to re-open in Australia, you can practice self-awareness in preparation for your future career.

Self-awareness means you understand yourself better than anyone else does, you know your own strengths and weaknesses, and you understand how other people perceive you. Having this quality is crucial when applying for jobs or figuring out the next steps in your career path as you need to choose roles that suit your abilities and that you believe your skills can be of value to.

Practice self-awareness by writing down your strengths and weaknesses and what you want in a job, as well as what you would add to a job – then fill in any gaps with upskilling.

Upskill with the help of Skills Certified

This year has been a significant challenge for many workers, but it will not always be this way. If you want to grasp your future career with both hands but are currently between jobs, let Skills Certified help. We assist with a variety of qualifications to get you job-ready again.