A diverse range of options

NSW Fair Trading administrates a range of different certifications. Depending on your specific needs and career goals, you’ll require a different license. To work as a plumber in NSW, you’ll need to acquire either a tradesperson certificate or a contractor license. Tradesperson certificates are more limited, requiring the holder to be supervised on all work by a more experienced individual – the holder will also not be able to sign off on any work, and will require the holder of a contractor licence or qualified supervisor certificate to inspect and approve it. Contractor licenses allow the individual to practice solo, performing and signing off on all work covered by their license. Additionally, plumbing is divided into a range of sub-disciplines such as fire sprinkler systems, urban irrigation, draining and general water plumbing and sewerage work. Whichever you choose, you’ll be required to at minimum hold a Certificate II in plumbing to achieve a tradesperson certificate, with additional units of competency and industry experience required to go on to the more comprehensive contractor license.

The smarter choice for your future

Skills Certified has helped people across NSW get the support they’ve needed to have their skills and experience recognized and certified. If you’re looking to make a move into an exciting new career and need the paperwork to do it, speak to our team and let us make the transition as seamless and as easy as possible. Call us on 13 17 75 or send us your questions via email at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.