Skills Certified has a deep understanding of how to help suitable candidates get the certifications they need to start in a new career. Let us show you how easy it could be.

Ticking the boxes

Unlike in other disciplines such as plumbing and gasfitting, individuals can only practice carpentry with a contractor license issued from NSW Fair Trading. To qualify, an individual will have to hold a recognised qualification from a Registered Training Organisation. You are free to choose from a list of six different qualifications depending on your areas of interest and body of experience, approaching carpentry from a variety of angles and sub-disciplines. Unfortunately, enrolling in a TAFE course involves a considerable expense in both time and money. If you’ve previously worked as a carpenter or in an adjacent field and have some existing knowledge, the more cost-effective way is to utilise recognition of prior learning.Assessors can award you a qualification based on your existing body of knowledge, making recommendations where gaps in your knowledge require you to undertake additional education. This way, you’ll be able to leverage the hard work and experience you’ve already put in to get a full qualification with minimal additional work.

Recognising your achievements

At Skills Certified, we understand better than most the intricacies and complexities of the NSW building licensing system. If you’re considering an exciting new career, make your first step a smart one and take it with a respected and well-regarded institution. Start a conversation with our team today and find out how we could help you find your next role. Send us your questions via email at [email protected] or call us on 13 17 75 to speak directly to our friendly, knowledgeable staff.