Commercial Cookery & Hospitality

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      Elevate your career with RPL

      Commercial cookery and hospitality qualifications provide you with the opportunity to utilise your knowledge, skills and expertise in the industry and obtain a formal qualification.

      Qualification Level

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        Elevate your career with RPL


        At Skills Certified Australia, we have a simple process. We will give you a free skills check. Based on your experience and qualification, we will assign a consultant to your case. Our consultant will walk you through the procedure, and after it’s been established that you’re suitable, you’ll need to gather documentation to back this up. This can include evidence of various tasks performed on the job, answers to questions about your experience and skills, practical tasks to demonstrate your skills, a resume, references, and a job description as supporting evidence.

        The proof you submit will be collated in a portfolio that you show as evidence that you have worked in the industry for a reasonable amount of time and that you are capable of doing related activities at a satisfactory level.

        On the basis of this evidence, we will connect you with one of our partner Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). An assessor from the RTO will review your portfolio.

        If you need further training, the RTO will provide training to you. After you finish your training, you can get qualified!

        The certification process can take a few weeks to complete, depending on the time it takes for you to gather all the evidence you need to create a portfolio. If you need additional training, more time may be required to complete your certification.
        Costs depend on your desired certification, previous qualifications and experiences. To figure out exact costs, you can get in touch with us.

        Anyone with the necessary skill set and prior qualifications and experience can apply. Individual eligibility criteria may apply such as citizenship and migration status.

        For more information or questions, check out the FAQs about RPL here. You can get in touch with us to discuss your case with our experts. Our contact information is given below.

        Contact us today to learn more

        How our customers rated our service

        Discover why Skills Certified is trusted by thousands. With over 2,500 reviews and an impressive average rating of 4.9 stars on Trustpilot, our commitment to quality and excellence in skills recognition through RPL is evident through the experiences of our satisfied clients across Australia.
        "It’s amazing how much easier it has been to meet new people and create instant connections. I have the exact same personality, the only thing that has changed is my mindset and a few behaviors."
        Samantha Higgins
        Cert IV in Haridressing
        "It’s amazing how much easier it has been to meet new people and create instant connections. I have the exact same personality, the only thing that has changed is my mindset and a few behaviors."
        Samantha Higgins
        Cert IV in Haridressing
        "It’s amazing how much easier it has been to meet new people and create instant connections. I have the exact same personality, the only thing that has changed is my mindset and a few behaviors."
        Samantha Higgins
        Cert IV in Haridressing
        "It’s amazing how much easier it has been to meet new people and create instant connections. I have the exact same personality, the only thing that has changed is my mindset and a few behaviors."
        Samantha Higgins
        Cert IV in Haridressing

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